Welcome to my third blog in
three weeks. Not quite so topical this week but a blog I've been considering
writing for a while. Anyway a couple of months ago
I read a book called Everyday Sexism. I'm a feminist so naturally the book
interested me.
It all stemmed from an woman
called Laura Bates who started this Everyday Sexism project in 2012 to
highlight her own experiences and encouraged others to send their experiences
in to her website and facebook page. She got so many responses that it went viral
worldwide. She then started regularly speaking in schools, colleges and
universities and started writing articles for newspapers. This has now
culminated in a book that highlights a lot of experiences of women around the
world and is backed up with stats and puts sexism in various contexts.
In her book, Laura covers
subjects such as harassment on the street, public transport and the workplace.
Did you know for instance that in 2012 43% of women in London aged 18-34
experienced sexual harassment. (Source: Yougov).
She also covers gender
stereotyping at an early age to
encourage children to stick to traditional gender roles. One of the examples
used in the book was a woman tweeting in to her that 'Every time a girl sees
science toys under a boys sign, she is told science in not suitable for her'.
From a boys perspective, a mother messaged in to the project saying how she
received a lot of negative comments about her son pushing around a doll in a
Furthermore she also
discusses sexism in the media. It's pointed out that women write only a fifth
of newspaper articles in the UK. (Source: Women in Journalism Study 2012). The
lack of representation of women in politics is also highlighted (Only 147 out
650 MPs are women).
Double Discrimination is also
seen as a key issue. One stat pointed out is that in the UK almost 1 in 5
black, Pakistani, and Bangladeshi women is unemployed compared to 1 in 14 white
women. (Source: APPG on Race and
Community 2012)
These are just some of the
many example whereby women experience everyday sexism. There are many more in
the book and in a wider variety of contexts across the world. This isn't just a
book review, but more of a blog about how Everyday Sexism has reiterated to me
the importance of the fight against sexism and how we can all get involved. There is no excuse not to be a feminist. It is purely about gender equality regardless of the negative connotation the word has had attached to it.
So I urge everyone,
regardless of what type of book you usually read, to read Everyday Sexism. Especially to those that think sexism basically doesn't exist any more. This could really open your mind. Yes we have made certain strides in the fight
for gender equality but the Everyday Sexism project proves how much more we
need to do.
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