Brexit, the hate-crimes that have increased since Brexit, the Syrian refugee
crisis and Europe’s utter failure to help the millions displaced. It’s easy to
see why so many people found so much to be pessimistic about last year.
I join in the chorus of people that say 2016 was “the worst year ever” though,
good things did happen. In the UK, Zac Goldsmith got punished at the mayoral
ballot box for his racist campaign. He also lost his seat as an MP. Furthermore the Trade Union, Unite, helped strike a big blow against
Sports Direct and forced them to change their awful work practices. Worldwide,
the World Health Organisation (WHO) announced that global malaria deaths have
gone down by 60% since 2000. In addition, the Paris Climate Agreement was
signed meaning a lot of countries are doing more than ever (although still not
enough) to combat the effects of human-made climate change. However we must be
vigilant as Trump seeks to pull the US out of this agreement. So whilst bleak
things of a huge consequence did happen and are continuing, there was some good
news to mitigate this.
what does 2017 hold for us? Well in the UK we have the prospect of Article 50
being triggered and a push by the government to get us out of everything to do
with the EU, including the single market. Further train strikes are likely to
happen because of safety concerns of Southern Staff. TFL Station staff are also likely to go on
strike again because of ticket office closures and staff cuts. The crisis of
homelessness in this country and the NHS under constant strain is likely to continue. In the wider world, we have had the
inauguration of Donald Trump as President of the US, as well as an
ongoing refugee crisis because of conflicts in places like Yemen and Syria.
is so easy to ignore it all and pretend it’s not happening because to even
think about any of those things can be quite upsetting and infuriating.
However, the sad but hard truth is nothing will change unless you get involved. If you're not already, become an activist of some sort. It doesn’t matter how big or small
your activism is. Pick one topic in particular that you’re passionate about and
go with it. If you don’t think you’re passionate about anything, then just
think what you’d like to see change about a particular issue. Are you worried
about the government’s Brexit strategy? Are you angry at big corporations
getting way with not paying tax? Are you worried about the effect Donald’s
Trump’s policies will have on the rest of the world? It could even be a local issue such as a green space that is being built on or the selling off of a housing estate that are leading to mass evictions.
are a number of things you do practically to start of with. Find a group to get
involved in, so you’re not doing it on your own. If you google a particular issue,
you’re bound to find a campaign group on it. Or start a group with one of your
friends and try and build it up. The actions you can do are things like writing
to local and/or national papers to spread the message about the issue. You can
also write to your MP to challenge the government. Believe or
not, some MPs do bring up their constituents concerns with the government. You
can deliver leaflets or knock on your neighbours’ doors to get signatures for a
petition or to let people in your community know about a particular issue. You can volunteer for a refugee charity and make sure refugees get the help they need. You
can even get involved in direct action such as a stunt outside a business or
government building or a big protest march. A few years ago when UK Uncut
organised protests outside Vodafone shops, tax avoidance become a national
issue in the media.
an activist can give you so much adrenaline. However, it can be frustrating at
times when you think you’re not changing things straight away but if you persevere you may end
up making a difference. For example, I mentioned Unite’s Sports Direct campaign
before. Now given how long they’ve been treating employees appallingly, and how
much in denial Mike Ashley was, it didn’t seem that things would change. But
when Unite organised mass protests outside their shops across the country and recruited
union members from Sport’s Direct staff, suddenly things changed. The rest of
the Sports Direct board got angry with Ashley, a Parliamentary Committee
demanded he change the practices in the workplace and ultimately the Sports
Direct workers are now organised in their workplace and are treated a bit
many people are apathetic. A lot of people choose to not think or act about what they see as injustice because they think nothing will change anyway. The system is too corrupt and messed up for that.
However, if enough people that felt like that actually attempted to change
things, we’d have made more progress.
Still not convinced that you care enough to become a political activist? Then here are a few things to think about. Have you ever been angry at train fare rises
equalled with poor service? Have you felt that you and you're fellow employees are underpaid or undervalued
at work? Have you ever been angry at the fact that you and your friends/family can barely afford to rent let alone buy a
house? These are things that you can help change. Even if you are physically
and/or mentally not able to really do too much, you can do a simple thing like
sign a petition and share it. Any petition that reaches over 100,000 signatures
is likely to be debated by MPs in Parliament so it is worth doing and no amount
of activism is not enough.
So what are you waiting for? Be the change you want to see. I know I sound very
idealistic but I can’t afford not to be. There is too much at stake to even
consider that I won’t make any difference in what I’m doing. The moment you
think you can’t change anything, you won’t. Being an activist can be hard and
draining at times but as long as all of us have a strong support network around
us then we can together make the world just that bit better over time .Looking
at the millions that marched against Trump last weekend, including people who
hadn’t done it before, it gives me hope that maybe a big fightback is underway
this year. Don’t just “watch this space”, be part of it and make a new year’s
resolution to be proud of.